Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A debt repaid

Generally speaking, if Balai has made two posts in a row, I'm not doing my job properly. Not that this is actually my job. Although in a perfect world...

It appears to be that every consecutive week we have that features a decent volume of posts is followed by just as many ones that are devoid of all life. This also seems to coincide with the undulations of business on my schedule, there always seems to be more posts when I'm not tabled in for getting things done. Speaking of getting things done, I haven't been able to get any Zombietopia work done myself so far this week, which is regrettable. I've had plenty of other things to be dealing with, which cannot be helped, but still makes me feel indescribably guilty. What free time I have had has been spent playing [Redacted] and Henry Hatsworth. Just a heads up, when I die, there is about a 90% chance it will be directly related to super secret game X.

I've mentioned my good friend Henry before, and am pleased to say that my initial thoughts were correct, Henry Hatsworth is, indeed, pimp. It also happens to be the only game that I am simultaneously balls and the balls at - yes, yes there is a distinction between the two states. As soon as I reached the second world my ineptitude at platformers caused me to start hemorrhaging lives. Still, the game's a hoot, and I would recommend it to all twelve of our readers. Even the whole two I haven't met in person.

For my final paragraph of the day, I thought I'd transition from games that are pimp to our own unofficial pimp. Good friend of the team, Alex has linked us silly in all sorts of places, and our reciprocation is long overdue. Go and read his stuff.

my dearest friends

1 comment:

  1. Woo! Unofficial Pimp ;)

    In your face beginning, middle and penultimate paragraphs!
