Thursday, 8 January 2009

Spare computer, brain cells all in use.

After around 45 minutes of cleaning and assembling I had finally cleaned and re-assembled the pieces of an older computer that had been lurking in my house.
I wont bore you with specifics but, it took over 62GB worth of music and has still not used more than 10 percent of it's total space.
so now I'm armed with the next side task.
Getting a team suite installed and working on said machine. So not only am I modelling, I'm also sorting this out, and if I do say so myself, I'm having an excellent time.

On a different note, I'm also testing other modelling programs and trying out different texture methods, hopefully I can find something that suites the teams needs soon as I'm getting quite close to finishing some of the models I have.

Lastly, I've just stripped Ice of all of the post in this year belonging to him...

Of plug sockets and feet

Some people have clumsy hands, I have clumsy feet. I have spent the last half an hour or so getting down some ideas in our wiki about instrument based weaponry, which I'm fairly sure I have mentioned here before in passing - don't ask - then, somehow, I managed to kick the plug socket under my desk. BAM! Everything gone.

Oh well, I'll have a sulk for a bit then just redo it all.

It appears that we are currently still having trouble breaking the two posts a week milestone, I blame my cohorts, who spend way too much of their time diligently working on content and no where near enough time on forcing their unenlightened opinions on anyone and everyone willing to read them. Slackers.

I don't like to brag - which, as we all know is a synonym for: I do like to brag - but I recently figured out that 70% of the posts made on this blog in 2008 were by me. Conversely they only make up 20% of the relevant posts made on this blog last year.

Jessie is a friend

Monday, 5 January 2009

Have a status update, you've earned it

Happy yesterday everyone, especially you Rob, I hope you had a good birthday.

I don't actually know anyone named Rob, and certainly not one who had a birthday yesterday, but I would like to hope that maybe, just maybe, someone out there named Rob read that and is now very worried. Also I wanted an excuse to say happy yesterday once more, I enjoy doing that now.

So, as of today, holiday time has concluded, everyone is over their respective debilitating ills and work is once again in progress*. We can now hopefully return to a schedule where more than two posts are made a week as well, that would be nice.

There is a new post on the Left 4 Dead blog, detailing more of Valve's art decisions, it's interesting reading for anyone remotely interested in game design or Valve.

*OK, so Balai's Internet connection is still hit and miss, but you can't have everything, can you?

don't write yourself off yet