Thursday, 4 December 2008

I'm not sure

I'm sitting here in another one of mine and Iced's conferences, now you may wonder why then I am making this effort to talk to the world and not Iced. This, as I will now enlighten you is because, we have discussed the tutorial and it's inner workings. This may not seem like such a great deal but, when quotes such as "you seem to have misplaced your gender" are thrown about we know that we've got an excellent character creation screen.
For now though I'll leave you with the lingering feeling that I should probably be working harder that I am now.

PS. Remember kids the spell checker button exists for a reason.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

A post tangentially related to game design

I said it was coming.

To quickly get anything you may actually be interested in out of the way, I promised publicly viewable work would be released at the end of last week, and I would be able to unleash such a thing upon the world right now, sadly I'm waiting on some stuff from Balai. Admittedly I have only communicated this need to him today. Within the last hour or so. This may mean that the delay is, in fact, still of my own doing, but I digress.

Now that is out of the way, have some incredibly one-sided opinions. Enjoy!

Over the last handful of years EA have been trying their very hardest to remake, repackage, reinvigorate and resell my childhood to me. To be honest, I'm cool with it. Kane's Wrath I especially enjoyed, a game all about a bald, charismatic madman prophet? Sign me up!
Their latest news may have made me pee a little.

I grew up on a diet of 'Command & Conquer' and 'Dungeon Keeper', I spent many a cold, lonely night weeping over their demise, so needless to say I am ecstatic about their Resurrection. Dungeon Keeper not only as an MMO, but an MMO made by a chinese developer - as opposed to it's original country of origin, our very own Britain - does make me more than a little nervous, but if EA continue their current trend of, you know, making games, rather than sticking to their age old tradition of releasing disc-based bowel movements, then maybe, just maybe it could work.

I played the demo for Red Alert 3 this week. If presented with this game with no prior knowledge of it's name, I would most likely believe it to be C'n'C Generals 2, a copy modded to feature Red Alert inspired units admittedly. Although unlike the original Generals, this is a game that I actually enjoy, I'm not sure why but I never did manage to get into that game. The controls to the previously mentioned 'Command and Conquer 3: Kane's wrath' were surprisingly good, and yes, I am refering to the Xbox 360 version of the game. With Red Alert 3 it immediatly feels like it was developed by one of EA's different studios (regretably, I can't be bothered to check if that is actually the case), they are aware of the interface used in Kane's Wrath, they have probably even had it explained to them, but the controls in RA3 feel very... different. I would like to stress that I do not mean worse, I merely find it a little jarring to find that most of the buttons have been re-mapped and have to completely re-learn allot of tricks I previously learned, heck, as far as I can tell certain features, such as setting waypoints, no longer exist. I have to say though, between the absolutely awesome new duds for the Tesla Trooper and the ability to have an attack dog and an attack bear go at each other's throats, I'm sold. God, I am such a consumer whore sometimes.

Current happenings

Seeing as Iced decided it was time to post I have decided that it is high time that I let you, the outside world, know the inner workings of our company.
Firstly, Iced and I congregate every Tuesday in order to discuss how much Mr. McNeill—a friend/criminal mastermind/acquaintance—will get banned from every site that we own.
Also, Iced is convinced that we go on Kongregate to 'level up our character or something'.
This congregation is at our main office, although some may disagree as to its likeness to an office.

We proceed to the main points of our discussion very quickly; we entertain stupid and wacky ideas while fending off many an attacker.
Most of our ideas hit the recycle bin faster than light is capable of travelling in a vacuum; however, some ideas scrape through the rigorous process of elimination, and have the honour of meeting our design page.

The design page/pages are a wondrous site to be sure, as a marvel of modern technology and utter stupidity.
And well that's about it, well of course there's the creation process but, that rarely done in office mostly because of the lack of facilties, or programs.

So now you all are somewhat enlightened as to our design process, and I'm also sure you're all slightly madder for it.

Some more elaboration

Considering I've spent the best part of a week trying to figure out what I'm going to put for this post, I'm surprisingly unprepared. +1 Unprofessionalism. I'm just going to type and see where this all goes.

So, Zombietopia then. The plan is to make it either a sandbox or at least very sandboxy, think GTA with zombies, there is a plot if you want to follow it, but if you just want to spend all day bowling with your cousin you can just go with that. We plan to do something similar, just with less Roman. Maybe a little less serious too.
Really, expect a bad pun or a pop culture reference to be fired at you at every turn. There will be multiple endings, each as ridiculous as the last. We have a veritable legion of weaponry, ranging from the modest combat knife all the way up to the appropriately named 'Satan's Toaster'.
In our current, mangled semblance of a design document, RPG-style elements are being stirred in for flavour, we're not sure how much these will affect, whether they will just be in there for crafting or if they will govern your every move is yet to be finalised.

I think that is enough for now, expect me to make a post only tangentially related to game design later.

Its fun to lose and to pretend