Thursday, 28 May 2009

The O$hit Bunker

We really need a steady source of updates don't we?

Well I saw Wolverine, finally and I actually think it's pretty good. If you don't go in expecting something fantastically true to the source material that is. It is a brilliant action film, and for all those ladies out there, and the guys with the secret man crush on Hugh Jackman (guilty) there are some nice nude scenes in there.
Now, as a huge fan of Wolverine (him being my favourite comic book character of all time) I was sitting in the cinema picking out those little things they did wrong. But, as I kept reminding myself, I went in for a good time. I know that comic book adaptations, and book adaptations will never live up to the source material's level, so for all those I see I go in with an open mind, not expecting an amazing masterpeice, but merely going in for a good show. A good example is where the Harry Potter film franchise started going really wrong. Prisoner of Azkaban. I am putting aside the fact that they didn't bother to correct Daniel Radcliffe's eye colour (his being blue, and Harry's being green as Rowling made painstakingly clear and put huge emphasis on in the books) digitally.
Back to Wolverine. Brilliant film, worth seeing, but don't expect it to be a word for word adaptation of our favourite clawed hero's golden days in print.

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Quite frankly my bowl of Cheerios was too... cheery.

Right, we do seem to be posting very little recently, and what we do post generally does not have anything to do with Zombietopia. I assure you we are all working very hard.

And this post follows the tradition of not giving any news on the homefront! I'm just here to remind you all (yes all 3 of you!) that we are, indeed, still alive and kicking.

That's al folks, until next time on the nail biting adventures of SPACE WALRUS GAMES DEV TEAM!