Friday, 26 December 2008

I may be the only one still alive

It is quite possible that Balai has fallen off of our green earth and into the dark void of space. I wouldn't worry about him too much though, unlike like most humans he has evolved a system similar to a plant's photosynthesis, only backwards, utilising power from a lack of sunlight and Carbon Dioxide to generate Oxygen, so it is not only likely that he is fine out there, but he is quite possibly having the time of his life.
That, or he is enjoying some well deserved time off with his family, celebrating whatever twisted holiday that Cthulhu cult of theirs has designated to this time of year, to serve as Christmas' grotesque analogue.
Most likely the second option, still, it would be nice if he could take time out of his busy schedule to return my emails, even Tetris has been showing me that courtesy.

To everyone else, happy yesterday, if you celebrate one of those festivals that has persisted through the night, happy today aswell.

Since this is what some may call 'the season of giving' and I have been, shall we say, behind on my quota for distributing gifts, I thought it would be a good idea to share with you, the questionably loyal readers, what the initial draft of the design document for zombietopia looked like. I would show you the current one, but that currently exists in the form of an entire wiki, and is less likely to qualify as a quick read. I hope the following helps show that we at Space Walrus Games have more than enough quality ideas to assemble a game full of both interesting mechanics and humor, even despite the fact that one of us, not at all unlike Bowie, is possibly in space.
  • Will be a first person shooter, with certain RPG like mechanics
  • Will feature 1960s influences in the architecture
  • To be set in an under water city named wrapture, ruled by Ryan Andrews
  • City is patrolled by beings called 'big sisters' and 'little daddies'
  • To be named 'Shockology'
  • Everyone has a french accent

"But Iced, there must be a mistake, this basically describes Bioshock with the names changed. And french accents." You may cry. I admit a significant proportion of our good ideas at the time weren't so much ours as 2k's, but what better source of interesting mechanics than Bioshock? And we cannot forget that everything is hilarious when people are talking are talking in french accents.

Obviously it doesn't look much like this anymore, it has progressed on it's own, growing organically. Now it resembles Little Big Planet instead.

Does the space cold make your nipples go all pointy?

Sunday, 21 December 2008

It's that time of year

This will likely be the last post made before the coming of the man in red, so I wanted to take this opportunity to wish people a merry crimbo on behalf of everyone here, and also a happy new year, may we pray that the Space Walrus can resist the urge to melt the moon for at least one more.

Just leave the presents and then leave me alone