Sunday, 24 May 2009

Quite frankly my bowl of Cheerios was too... cheery.

Right, we do seem to be posting very little recently, and what we do post generally does not have anything to do with Zombietopia. I assure you we are all working very hard.

And this post follows the tradition of not giving any news on the homefront! I'm just here to remind you all (yes all 3 of you!) that we are, indeed, still alive and kicking.

That's al folks, until next time on the nail biting adventures of SPACE WALRUS GAMES DEV TEAM!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I shall say this now...Balai of the burning beard may be out of action for a while, A) WoW happened..thanks Deg...2)hes been playing Borderland with me, lolzman away!
