Thursday, 7 May 2009

Nice 'n quick

I haven't got long, but I can say that without doubt progress is being made.
No, I still have little to show you all but, hopefully that shall all change and we can all be one big happy family...
Maybe not.
Anyway like I say not got long so this is just the quick update to let you all know that SWG is still alive and flipping.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... I was going to comment on one of your post, but you haven't made one recently :O. Hope you get this :S.

    That's the built in Source recorded, although I've had to put it though VirtualDub, that took some quality away, but I tried to get it as good as possible (slightly big file).

    Thanks for the message :). I'll bike up on Wednesday to find out, and just to say high to ya'll :P.
