Saturday, 14 March 2009

Porphyric Hemophilia

Checking out the latest news as I do, and some archaeologists have recently dug up a female skeleton with a brick lodged in her jaw. The article claimed it was because of medieval ignorance to how diseases spread. I'm completely fine with medieval ignorance. If it weren't for their ignorance, we wouldn't have all this folklore. Without that folklore, we wouldn't have such genius films as Lesbian Vampire Killers.
Anyways, I thought I ought to tell you that I have been wearing slippers all day. Interesting little fact there. Oh and I watched The Unborn yesterday. Now, I'm not going to completely slate the film... but it was terrible. I mean, as a film it was ok, but it tried to take itself as a horror. In a good horror film, you aren't meant to see the scary thing. If you do, it must be nanoseconds. Sorry for the spoilzors here, but toward the end of The Unborn it started to feel like a Jewish version of Ghostbusters. Without the funny.
Unless you lust after Odette Yustman like a horny dog after your favourite pillow, then I wouldn't suggest seeing it. Oh, and the dog the rabbi sees is so adorable! I want one. One with it's head upside down, that was cute. Ye gods I'm sounding like a girl... I once bent an iron beam like the ones that make up the internal structure of skyscrapers. Also I can bite a hole in the Yellow Pages. Oh yeah, I'm a man. Ignore anything Iced says in later posts.

War out guys!

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