Much well wishes to Iced Inferno and his girlfriend, and Balai with his secret girlfriend. :D
Tetris229, don't drink too much today.
Now as we all know, Valentine's day is a moneymaking scheme invented by holiday card distributors to get more money. Or is it the lovey-dovey day for couples? It's your choice.
If it is the first one and you're in a relationship, fellas: good luck with your girl today, you're going to need it. If, however you are single and beleive this to be the case: here are 10 things to do on Valentine's day.
1. Find another single friend and blitz Left 4 Dead for several hours.Hope this has helped all you single lads out there this Valentine's day, have a good one!
2. Complete DOOM on Nightmare difficulty.
3. Order in a pizza (or several), get some friends over and watch all of the Lord of the Rings films, Batman Begins and Dark Knight, and then some over-explosive, over-done action flicks.
4. Cake. Today, it is not a lie; endulge yourself. (Hot cross buns will suffice.)
5. Go out and buy yourself the latest video game, you deserve it because you are so awesome.
6. Go out on a motorised scooter! If you don't have one, get one. Or make your own!
7. Masturbate.
8. Watch every episode of Scrubs released so far.
9. Design a weapon of mass destruction.
10. Build a fort. Doesn't matter what kind of fort, although the best kind is made with pillows, duvets and boxes. Lots of boxes.
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