Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Our space now features a walrus

The more astute among you may have noticed something new to the left side of this blog, the rest of you will probably see what I am talking about but assume it has always been there.
I am, of course referring to our shiny new logo, which has scaled down alot better than I had anticipated. Who put that dashing image together? Why, it was me. Yes, yes, you could now say that I could do all of the work on zombietopia single handedly, I've previously disclosed reasons for which tetris' services are entirely obsolete next to mine, and as far as you guys know the same is true of Balai's 'talents'. All this coupled with that fabulous image I believe to be conclusive evidence that there isn't anything that I can't do.
In the event you would like a closer look at my dark handiwork certain contingencies have been put into place to facilitate your needs. I would like to make it clear now though that the logo is subject to change, if nothing else the hat and beverage will likely replaced for others when ever I feel like it. Not for any particular reason, Just the way I drew them on makes it fairly easy for those two to be changed and I think it'd be funny. Plus I like to screw with people.
Seriously though, don't be too surprised if that logo does change, like all artists I really don't like my own work, although unlike most artists I'm not a very good artist. I also happen to know several good artists who I'm sure would be more than willing to have a crack at mocking a logo up.

Hmmm, this post is starting to sound a little down. You should all go and check out the world of goo soundtrack to offset the emo vibes.


1 comment:

  1. Time travelling are we?
    Anyways, nice to finally see ot here aswell.
