Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Some more elaboration

Considering I've spent the best part of a week trying to figure out what I'm going to put for this post, I'm surprisingly unprepared. +1 Unprofessionalism. I'm just going to type and see where this all goes.

So, Zombietopia then. The plan is to make it either a sandbox or at least very sandboxy, think GTA with zombies, there is a plot if you want to follow it, but if you just want to spend all day bowling with your cousin you can just go with that. We plan to do something similar, just with less Roman. Maybe a little less serious too.
Really, expect a bad pun or a pop culture reference to be fired at you at every turn. There will be multiple endings, each as ridiculous as the last. We have a veritable legion of weaponry, ranging from the modest combat knife all the way up to the appropriately named 'Satan's Toaster'.
In our current, mangled semblance of a design document, RPG-style elements are being stirred in for flavour, we're not sure how much these will affect, whether they will just be in there for crafting or if they will govern your every move is yet to be finalised.

I think that is enough for now, expect me to make a post only tangentially related to game design later.

Its fun to lose and to pretend

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