Sunday, 7 December 2008

An open letter to the developer of 'RPaints'

Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs Remyremrem

Could you please explain this to me? Because the whole thing in general boggles my mind. Because it appears that you are asking 400 Microsoft points for your product, I just want to double check if this is the actual case, you see, I haven't had the prescription for my glasses updated for a while, so I cannot be sure that I am not completely misreading that page.

Price point aside, I do still have a couple of enquiries to make. Is the shitty MSpaint half-arsed rip off the entire game? Do you understand the concept of a game? Or is it just a sordid joke reserved for those playing the trial game?

Look, I'll be fair, I am not opposed to people using the Xbox Live community games feature to make interesting apps instead of games. I would go as far as to say I welcome it, but not only is RPaint's presentation shoddy - at best - someone had the cheek to set it the undeserving price of 400 Points, the same price as small arms, which is far from a perfect game, but it is, at least, a game, and one that can be pretty fun to play with friends.
Feel free to come back though, should you get an equivilant of photoshop running on an Xbox.

This is why even community games should either be free or have at least some quality control.

-Iced Inferno
Lead Complainer, Space Walrus Games

[Unparsable Jibberish]


  1. I heard that the update is going to have better cursor control, some "artistic effect" features and the cursor will not be able to go off the screen. There will also be faster load/save times, with the posibility of online multiplayer. What do you think should be some improvements?

  2. Yea I think multiplayer would be real nice, and make it worth 400pts.

  3. Multiplayer could possibly make the price justifiable, I will concede that point, "artistic effect" features sounds way too vague though.
    Other improvements wise, I'm not sure how feasable this is without getting it expensive, but a method to share images made in it with friends in some way. Maybe something web based associated with it, functionally similar to Flickr.
    Also, I really come off as a dick in this post don't I?
