Friday 17 April 2009

Complete Protection From The Living Dead

Too long has it been since my last post, and little to no reason to I have for this. However, in my recent absence I have come across The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Although still in the first few pages of the book, it is making for an interesting read. It first came to my attention when my brother, Phil, brought the book home one day. Glancing through the book I read the differences between 'real life', voodoo and Hollywood zombies. After he had finished with it, the book found its way into my possession, so while I am out in the country tomorrow I will have a good delve into the watery depths of this, without a doubt, extremely helpful book. Who knows; some of it's 'teachings' may wind up influencing Zombietopia in small ways.

-I was sent by the Gods.